Budget Friendly Tips for Keeping Your Home Cool


Keeping your home cool and comfortable without breaking the bank is an issue that most homeowners face. Rather than spending painful amounts of money on your air conditioning bills in the hotter months of the years, you can take measures in your home to help keep everything cool. Let Superior Home Improvements of Lexington, Kentucky, show you a few budget-friendly tips for keeping your home cool. 

Keep it Closed

This may seem like an obvious tip, but keep your doors, windows, and blinds closed during the hottest parts of the day. Opening and closing the doors and windows leads to a massive increase in heating and cooling costs because of the cool air that is lost in this split second. Invest in blinds that effectively block light from coming into your home, like blackout shades or honeycomb shades, and keep them closed during the day. Shades that are designed to keep light out of your home can reduce the heat transfer in your home by about 30% on average.  

Utilize your Fans

You’ve probably heard of reversing the direction in which your fans spin in the summer, and then immediately passed it off as nonsensical. But reversing the direction of your ceiling fans can actually help! Ensure that your ceiling fans are spinning in a counter-clockwise direction in the summer for a colder effect. Exhaust fans in your kitchen and bathroom are also great ways to pull hot air from your home, so turn them on whenever you cook or take a shower to eliminate heat buildup. If you want your fans to really keep you cool, place a large bowl of ice or ice packs in front of your fan for a chilly breeze.

Use your Windows

As stated above, your windows should remain closed during the hottest parts of the day. But opening your windows during the night is a great way to let cool air into your home that will keep you from having to crank your AC. You can also suck more hot air out of your home by placing a box fan in the window. In addition, you can create a cooling breeze through your home by opening your windows in specific ways: on windows that are located on the downwind side of your house, open the top portion of the window. On windows on the upwind side of your home, keep the bottom section opened. This will create a cooling current that will pass through your whole home. 

Home Improvements

Another easy way to ensure that your home stays cool is to make sure that all of your roofing, insulation, and windows are functioning properly. Insulation problems and roofing damage can lead to heat transfer in and out of your home. In addition to heat transfer, these issues can lead to bigger, more costly problems as time goes on. Ensuring that your windows are installed and sealed properly, or installing entirely new windows if your windows are old can also save you a significant amount of money in the long run. 

Superior Home Improvements

If you are ready to get a handle on the temperatures in your home without having to break the bank every month with bills, contact Superior Home Improvements today. Serving Lexington, Kentucky and all of Central Kentucky, our team of experienced professionals can help you tackle all your home improvement tasks. With an A+ rating from the BBB and as a member of Angie’s List, we can assure you that our services will meet all your standards

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